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“I enjoyed finding out new information and I found it very interesting learning about Severn Trent and how the company is run.”
“I found it very informative and it was laid out in a way that made it very easy to digest. In fact, a whole module was dedicated to sustainability, and I wanted to learn more about careers in that field”
“ I liked the opportunity to create and design different things, also I liked the broad selection of job sectors explored through doing so.”
Severn Trent
Work Experience
backgroundthe problemour solutionaudienceoutput

Severn Trent is one of Britain’s largest water companies, serving people from the outskirts of Sheffield, all across the Midlands and North Wales and down as far South as Bristol. They provide about two billion litres of drinking water to over eight million people, as well as treating over three billion litres of wastewater every day.

A series of silver water pipes in a water treatment facility.
The problem

The team at Severn Trent wanted to raise awareness of the opportunities available within the company and the wider industry, while highlighting the vital role water companies play in sustainability. 

They were keen to attract those interested in careers that use strong STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) skills, and show how these are vital in Severn Trent’s work. Operational roles were to feature heavily, as were the many support roles available in everything from finance to customer support. 

Not only were the team keen to focus on Severn Trent’s strong  record of innovation, they also wanted to reach students who may not have the same access to work experience as others, and maybe even help to create life chances for them.

Inspire young people and increase their confidence.
Increase industry awareness and brand awareness of Severn Trent
Reach a diverse audience, provide wider life choices.
A wide image of a picturesque lake surrounded by greenery.
Our solution

Using the wealth of information provided by Severn Trent we created “Sustainability, Support and STEM with Severn Trent”. As the name suggests, the programme covered innovative STEM roles, support services and provided insight into how the company supports the communities it serves. With a mix of interactive activities and webinars from industry experts, students learned about the whole water cycle and got a real taste of what it's like to work for Severn Trent. 

The first module covered the water cycle and clean-water treatment, the journey from clean drinking water through to wastewater. Next, students learned how Severn Trent uses cutting-edge technology. This led naturally to a module on sustainability, including how the company is playing its part in achieving the UN's 17 sustainable development goals. 

Students also got the chance to design the ultimate water-efficient and sustainable home.

The next two modules detailed the types of jobs available at Severn Trent. Firstly, there was a look at essential roles in operations, such as water technicians, tanker drivers and maintenance technicians, who keep the system running smoothly. The next module examined support functions from branding and marketing to human resources, finance, and customer support. 

Finally, advances in bioresources, water resources, and technology were among the areas covered in a section on innovation. All students who completed the course were awarded a certificate for their personal records. 

no. of students
age range
% free school meals
% minority ethnic students
% female students

The programme received 324 enrolments, with students spending an average of six hours engaging with the content. Participants gave the programme an overall rating of 7.8/10. 

On completion, 92% said they had good or excellent awareness of careers in the industry, up from just 37% before starting the programme, with more than half of the students saying they were likely or very likely to seek work in the sector. 

Before undertaking the programme more than half of students said they were nervous or anxious about finding a job in the future, by the end this was only 15%.

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