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"Thank you for allowing me take part in this amazing opportunity and for giving me so much insight into the work that you do at Fujitsu."

"This programme has helped me to improve my career aspects and has truly inspired me to research more into Fujitsu's graduate and apprenticeship programs."

"The live webinars have been extremely beneficial in supporting me in understanding all of the different modules in this virtual programme. Thank you for taking the time to create this programme :)"

Work Experience
backgroundthe problemour solutionaudienceoutput

With over 50 years of heritage, Fujitsu is one of the world’s largest IT services and solutions provider. They have over 150,000 employees globally and deliver cutting-edge products in over 100 countries.

The problem
Low percentage of women in technology roles

The UK has long-battled with the really low number of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) roles. According to the most recent report (2019 Workforce Statistics), women form only 16.4% of the total ICT professionals. Without relatable role models, there continues to be a shortfall of female applicants, especially in the early careers space.

Indirect competition from other household technology brands

Despite their emergence as one of the top 5 technology leaders in the world, Fujitsu has faced competition from other brands which have more technology products available for the average consumer. Young people are likely to gravitate towards household technology names and therefore brand awareness amongst Generation Z is absolutely crucial for Fujitsu.

Inspire and create confidence in young people
Increase young people's industry knowledge
Grow brand awareness & reach a diverse audience
Our solution

In-depth conversations with the Fujitsu Early Careers team shed light on some of their existing pain points and obstacles. The team at Springpod subsequently proposed a two-prong approach that had previously shown positive results - highlighting the Fujitsu brand as a technology leader in a more engaging way and featuring stories of school-leavers who have successfully built their careers within Fujitsu.‍

Improve brand awareness within the target cohort through early engagement and featured success stories of technology apprentices
Dedicated company profile on Springpod underpinning the Fujitsu brand

The first part of the two-pronged approach was to enable the Fujitsu team to benefit from the existing network of students on Springpod. Setting up a dedicated company profile on the platform and app put the Fujitsu brand in front of 50,000 students already active on Springpod. Adding relatable company ambassadors offered students the opportunity to interact with real role models and ask questions about their next steps into the world of technology.

An interactive Classroom-to-Boardroom episode focussed on Fujitsu technology apprenticeships

The second part of the approach involved complementing the Fujitsu profile with a special episode on Springpod’s Classroom to Boardroom series - which was UK’s first apprentice-focussed chat show, featuring young professionals who have been through the journey themselves. The Fujitsu episode highlighted the stories from Cinderella and Ben - two higher-technology apprentices, who spoke about the diversity and inclusivity at the organisation and helped viewers understand how to reach the first run on a successful career in technology.

Building a diverse talent pool of informed students

As part of this pilot project, the Springpod marketing team also proactively used the on-demand replays of the episode as part of nurturing campaigns to help Fujitsu build a more informed and highly engaged talent pool of Year 12 and Year 13 students. This drove 1040 talent pool members & apprenticeship applications for the 2020 intake.

no. of students
age range
% free school meals
% minority ethnic students
% female students

Programme feedback

How likely are you to recommend this programme to someone?


How likely are you to recommend this programme to someone?


How would you rate your current awareness of careers in the industry?

Good or Excellent increased from 44% to 97%

How confident do you feel about finding a job in the future?

Confidence increased from 67% to 91%

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