£98M in Social Impact! Discover how our VWEX programmes delivered incredible value and the method behind measuring it. Click here to read our latest whitepaper.

Reach and engage

Springpod's 'Reach and Engage' solutions focus on capturing the attention of young talent and sparking their interest in the employer's brand. These immersive experience products inform students about potential career paths in the industry whilst amplifying brand presence, creating a buzz among potential candidates and actively engaging them with the company's culture and values.


The 'Nurture' solutions concentrate on maintaining and deepening the relationships with the talent pool already established. These products foster continuous engagement, keeping the students interested and preparing them for potential future roles within the company like graduate schemes, apprenticeships or regular vacancies

Solutions for Employers

At Springpod we’ll help you find the best way for you to attract the best talent and create measurable social impact, using our wide range of engaging and interactive solutions, creating a talent pool and careers network you can build and nurture.

reach and engage

Work experience programmes

Our work experience programmes have revolutionised work experience for young people and are now an integral part of school, college and university students’ career decision-making.

  • 8-10 hour programmes accessible from any device

  • Live cohort or on-demand format which ensures flexibility around students' workload and accessibility.

  • Application and onboarding process - scalable to any cohort size

  • Programmes include employer-specific content, live or pre-recorded talks, career path and workplace activities plus employability-based content which helps students apply for roles

  • Students receive certificates and teachers meet Gatsby Benchmarks 5 & 6

  • Students grow in confidence and develop employability skills and understand the career pathways into an organisation

  • Inspire and connect with diverse cohorts of young people from all backgrounds

  • Receive comprehensive demographic & engagement reporting

  • Scale your reach, enhance your brand and deliver social impact

  • Start building a future talent pool

  • Significantly reduce your workload

  • Access to the student data post programme so you can add that to start building a future Talent Pool

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Springpod has reinvented work experience, our online programmes are now an intrinsic part of career pathway planning for students.

Our content creation experts produce Springpod’s own work experience programmes for diverse industries including dentistry, engineering, fashion, psychology and technology!

  • High-profile employer branding with thousands of potential applicants

  • Pre-recorded speaker slots, creating that deeper connection with your own brand

  • Thought-leading talks from distinguished industry professionals

  • Interactive activities, projects and assignments for students

  • Introduce your brand to thousands of diverse, young and ambitious people exploring a career in your sector

  • Debunk myths about barriers in your industry, and create a positive image of your brand

  • Promote current pathways into your organisation, encouraging the best talent to apply for your opportunities

  • Benefit from pre and post-event marketing & PR, and student data on all students that register for your sponsored programme

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Apprenticeship Accelerator

With our apprentice accelerator, you can turbo-charge your apprenticeships, raising awareness, reducing drop-out rates plus reaching young people in low socio-economic areas and improving D&I.

  • Industry Introductions

  • Bespoke modules that bring your apprenticeship roles to life

  • Student employability skills

  • Expert coaching

  • Improve the quality of your applications - especially preparing and building confidence levels of applicants from low socio-economic groups

  • Increase the speed at which your roles are filled

  • Raise awareness of your opportunities and provide potential applicants with real-life insights as to what the apprentice entails

  • Provide valuable insights on your application process and provide students with tips to succeed

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Targeted advertising campaigns

Attract and convert early career talent with multiple touchpoint campaigns. We combine creative consultation, timing optimisation and segmentation so you get the right message to the right students, at the right time.

Our campaigns can include
  • Employer profile

  • Job listings

  • Targeted email & SMS

  • Social Media and Search campaigns

Segment students based on
  • Age

  • Gender

  • Location

  • School type

  • Career & Industry interests

  • Planned career pathways

  • Engage a tailored cohort of students based on their goals

  • Extend your reach across our school and college network

  • Utilise our Gen Z marketing expertise

  • Access a rich talent pool of students that have developed key skills and knowledge

  • Increase awareness of your brand and opportunities

  • Attract the best applicants to your roles

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Our bespoke online events will help showcase your employer brand to your target audience, not as in-depth as a work experience programme, but it can include live and on-demand talks, Q&A sessions, and even polling. Events enable students to directly interact with your brand and drive applications and next steps.

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Springpod Sprints are a great way to bring your brand to potential future employees quickly and with relevance. Sprints provide an accurate simulation of your business, focussing on a specific workplace task completed by students.

They comprise 3 elements led by one of your business leaders.

  • Meet the Mentor

  • The Task Brief

  • The Solution

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Talent pool

When young people engage with your programmes and initiatives they join your Talent Pool. At this point, they can opt-in to receive varied and engaging communications

  • Job and event notifications

  • In-person work experience opportunities

  • Content marketing for example career stories from your own employees, blogs, and articles

  • Build long-term connections with potential candidates

  • Enhance students’ understanding of your brand and sector

  • Improve employment skills of students

  • Ensure students are being kept up-to-date and engaged

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Career networks

With Springpod you can create a Talent Hub, a branded space on the Springpod EdTech platform where you can tailor content and build a long-term relationship with prospective employees.

  • Introductions to your business units

  • Bespoke events and experiences

  • Employability and Career Skills

  • Live and On-Demand talks

  • Q&A sessions

  • Job and Apprenticeship ads

  • Fully immerse students in your brand culture

  • Create one-to-one connections with students

  • Communicate in a way students prefer

  • Promote your latest job rules ensuring you attract the best possible talent

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Mentors platform

Add greater value to student relationships with our Mentor Platform, enabling regular access to industry experts and leaders from your brand.

  • Your Mentor platform is integrated with your work experience programme

  • Students can select mentors to connect with directly

  • User-friendly 1-2-1 communication via the web or app

  • It is moderated and safeguarded

  • Data insights and full transcripts are included

  • Creates an unrivalled connection with candidates

  • Build trust and confidence in your brand with potential applicants

  • Make connection seamless and effective

  • Optimise your communication with students

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