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“Schools could not offer enough time to allow for work experience. Many pupils missed out on a lot of learning during the pandemic, and therefore teaching is the main priority for schools. Secondly, it was also difficult to find such dates for work experience which would be suitable for most schools. We chose to work with Springpod because we wanted to offer a virtual and live programme (which we were able to co-design) that could also be watched on-demand.”

Izzy Pompova, Enterprise Coordinator, Coast 2 Capital

Coast to Capital
Work Experience
backgroundthe problemour solutionaudienceoutput

Coast to Capital is a local enterprise partnership (LEP) that forms part of a network of functional economic hubs around Gatwick airport. The regions included are Greater Brighton, West Sussex and East Surrey. In addition to this, the LEP has a strategic alliance with five neighbouring LEPs - Enterprise M3, Hertfordshire, South East, Solent and Thames Valley Berkshire. Coast to Capital plays a crucial role in supporting economic recovery and growth, focusing on opportunities that will build a di

The problem

Flexibility for students was paramount in creating a successful programme. The demand for a scalable programme that could be participated in without the scheduling restrictions meant that creating a virtual programme with Springpod was ideal.

As well as an on-demand programme, Coast to Capital wanted to target a specific demographic that would allow students of all backgrounds to have access to equal opportunities. To achieve this, their attraction strategy was to target underrepresented groups within the industry: girls and BAME young people, and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

Driving young talent through sustainability within the construction industry
Our solution

The programme allowed the LEP to showcase the importance of developing green talent. It opens the door for conversations with young people and businesses to share their ideas and strategies on sustainability both now and in the future - understanding what skills it takes to help reach net-zero. 

“The future workforce will see that sustainability and construction must go hand-in-hand and that it is not just about building but building sustainably and responsibly.  We wanted the future workforce to understand that sustainability improves the quality of our lives, protects our ecosystem and preserves natural resources for them as well as future generations.”

- Izzy Pompova, Enterprise Coordinator, Coast 2 Capital

“I really loved this course; it showed me parts of the construction industry that I had never thought existed before. It has expanded my knowledge on construction and that we can definitely change the world's climate situation starting with sustainable construction.”

Jane, Year 10

no. of students
age range
% free school meals
% minority ethnic students
% female students

The participants rated the programme 8.4 out of 10 for enjoyment and 8.2 out of 10 young people said they would recommend the experience to someone else.

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