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The Gen Z Careers Report 2023

Key demographics

2,600 students
Aged 13-21
From 130 different postcode regions across the UK
Over 100,000 data points analysed

Key findings

71% of students say thinking about their future career is a source of stress
More than a fifth of students have thought seriously about their career before they turn 13, rising to 76% before they turn 16
Students who have received free school meals are 53% more likely to not have someone to talk to about careers
Only 8% of young people think apprenticeships are their best route to achieving their future career
Parents/Guardians are the most popular source of careers advice & support.
Do Gen Z actually use Tiktok for careers research?
What content are they looking for at age 14 compared to age 20?
What’s the one topic influencing them more than AI and climate change?